
Lucky Bamboo Care

Light Requirement for Lucky Bamboo: bright indirect light. In it’s native environment Dracaena sanderiana receive an ample amount of light. However, the surrounding plants shade the lucky bamboo from direct exposure to the sun. Too much direct sunlight can cause the leaves to burn. It is important that the lucky bamboo receive adequate light; lack of light will cause weak growth, stretching and poor color. Low light conditions will, also, cause stunted growth and inhibit new leaf growth. The light requirements for lucky bamboo are the same whether grown in water or in soil.

Water Requirements for Lucky Bamboo

In water: Water level should be at least a couple of inches. Make sure the roots are covered with water; add water to keep the water level constant. Every couple of weeks change the water completely. Refill the container with clean water. Lucky bamboo is sensitive to the salts and chemicals in tap water; use distilled water or rainwater if possible. If you must use tap water let it set in an open container over night; this will let the chlorine evaporate.

In lava: should be kept moderately moist. Lucky bamboo does not like to be soggy or dry.

Succulents & Cacti Care

Succulents and cacti are low maintenance, water wise plants that store water in their leaves, stems or roots, creating a plump or succulent appearance. They are often found in hot, arid climates such as the desert and have adapted to tolerate long periods of drought. There are many varieties of succulents and cacti that come from all over the world. For best results each plant has individual needs, but there are general rules for succulent and cactus plant care. 

Water- If your container has drainage holes, water thoroughly once a week during active growth period. If your container does not have drainage holes, water sparingly to moisten soil but be sure water does not pool up at the bottom of container which can cause rotting. Allow soil to dry between waterings.

Light- Place plant in a brightly lit south facing window indoors or an area with bright, indirect light outdoors. Some plants can tolerate full sun, but must be gradually acclimated to prevent sunburn.  If the light source is inadequate, etiolation will occur and your plant will become leggy as it stretches out towards a light source. 

Soil- Succulents and cacti like soil that is well aerated and fast draining. Perlite or pumice mixed with soil work well for this, or you can pick up cactus/succulent mix from your local nursery. 


Snake plant care


You have likely seen snake plants inside a building. They have stiff, thin leaves. This plant, also known as sansevieria, is resilient and can be placed in low light. It also does not require too much water. Sanseveria plants should be kept in temperatures from 65 to 85°F.

Due to their hardiness, snake plants make good matches for offices and could add a bit of life to your property. Ambius can help you determine whether your premises are suited to sanseveria.


Air plant care

Air plants are another group of plants that could make a great fit for your property. They fall under the genus Tillandsia, and there are multiple kinds. Interestingly, air plants do not need soil but can be affixed to rocks or shells. Terrariumsare also a good match for them. Air plants require bright light, although it should not be direct. When indoors, they should be misted regularly.

Air plants work well in atriums, such as in your office building. Ambius can help you understand whether air plants are right for your situation.

At Ambius, we know proper plant care is critical and will provide the maintenance your plants need to thrive. Get in touch with ustoday to find out more about your options.